Martyn is a highly experienced business professional, providing risk, governance and investment consultancy services to a number of leading financial institutions.
He has consulted for leading institutional businesses P-Solve/River & Mercantile, Bacon & Woodrow, Aon and the Punter Southall Group, providing input for clients totalling £100bn Assets Under Management.
He has won national awards for innovation, including the Society of Actuaries ‘paper of the year’ for his work on modelling dependencies. He is also an industry partner to the University of Leicester Actuarial faculty.
Asking questions to explore investment risk, investment propositions, asset allocation policies, risk modelling and the impact of the economic cycle.
Key achievements:
- Assisted with the Merrril Lynch vs Unilever product governance case for Unilever, resulting in an out of court settlement, reported to be £70m
- Established asset allocation policies, fund manager selection criteria and risk, economic and asset/liability modelling for the P-Solve group, which contributed to growth in AUM of £7bn over 9 years
- Helped develop CAMRADATA into a European market leader with growth in revenues of 700% in 2 years during the 2008 – 2010 recession
- Actuary (Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries 2003)
- Bsc (Hons) Applied Statistics